

Name of the Programme :
Diploma Programme in Computer Science Engineering.
Duration of the Programme :
Three years (Six Semesters).
Entry Qualification :
10+ with Scince and Mathematics(Not the elementary mathematics) or equivalent as perscribed by the Uttaranchal Board of Technical Education, Roorkee.
Intake :
40 Seats.

NOTE: 10% seats of the total sanctioned intake are available for Lateral Entry (12th Pass students) in 2nd Year of all engineering branches.

Pattern of the Programme :
Semester System
Ratio between theory and Practical classes :

Entrepreneurship Development

An Entrepreneurial Awareness Camp and a full subject on Entrepreneurship Development and Management has been incorporated in the Study Scheme.

Generic Skill Development

It is proposed that two Camps of 3-4 days duration on generic Skills Development(GSD) during 5th and 6th Semester be organized by arranging expert lectures/ discussion sessions either by Polytechnic teacher or by eminent educationists from the neighborhood to deal with topics like: Independent Study Techniques, Task Management, Ethics and Values, Personality Development, SWOT Analysis, Action research etc.

Industrial Exposure

The Student will be exposed to industial by orgnanizing industrial visits and expert lectures by personnel from industry. The suggested industry oriented-practice based minor and major projects will enable the students to interact with relecant industries.


20 marks per semester have been kept for maintaining discipline which include punctuality, attendance behaviour etc.
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